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  • Seem So Real

  • 作词:Knox Summerour
  • 作曲: 王宗贤
  • 演唱: Knox Summerour

  • Didn't know you would be here;
  • 没想到妳会在这里
  • Guess you thought that I knew.
  • 也许你以为我会知道
  • As I walk with your shadow,
  • 当我跟着你的影子
  • Feel my heart tear in two.
  • 我感到我的心被撕成两半
  • The last time I kissed you,
  • 当我最后一次亲吻妳时
  • I knew your love was revealed.
  • 我感觉得到你显露的爱
  • And I'm left here now wondering just how,
  • 可我现在独自被留在这, 疑惑着
  • How could this seem so real?
  • 为何一切感觉如此真实?

  • When a dream becomes conscious,
  • 当梦变成了意识
  • How can we know what's true?
  • 我们该如何分辨是否真实?
  • Should we walk in our blindness
  • 我们是该盲目地走下去?
  • Or leave passion subdued?
  • 还是压抑着我们的激情?
  • The warmth in your touch (has)
  • 妳温暖的触感
  • Left me wanting more each day.
  • 留下我每天贪婪地想要更多
  • Now, I don't care if we have to rush,
  • 現在, 我不管我们是否一时冲动
  • Just tell me that you'll stay.
  • 告诉我你会留在我身旁

  • Now your shadow, it leaves me,
  • 现在连你的影子都离我而去
  • Sailing far from my view.
  • 航行至我看不到的地方
  • Still, I cling to your memory,
  • 但是我还是紧握不放着对你的记忆
  • I pray God might renew
  • 我对上天乞求
  • Your scent on the wind.
  • 能在风里嗅到你的味道
  • Will my poor heart fully heal
  • 我可怜伤痛的心有可能完全愈合吗?
  • By the next time I wonder just how,
  • 在我下次在疑惑着
  • How could this seem so real?
  • 为何一切感觉如此真实?
  • When's the next time I'll wonder out loud,
  • 何时才会是下次我放声坦率地疑惑着
  • How could this seem so real?
  • 为何一切感觉如此真实?
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