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  • Do Or Die
  • 24Herbs (廿四味)
  • Bring It On!

  • 24Herbs (廿四味) - Do Or Die

  • 作曲:Eddie a.k.a. DorYuk

  • 编曲:Eddie a.k.a. DorYuk
  • 监制:Eddie a.k.a. DorYuk

  • PHAT & KIT:首先全塲一切跟住举起手先
  • 唔够癫觉得闷嘅话你可以走先
  • 你无feel好似漏电好心闪去后面
  • 队番几罐啤酒先我继续表演

  • 尽情dum地 ?毫无禁忌
  • 唔需要避忌跳到双脚离地
  • 由头跳到尾跳到你地断气
  • 支咪系我嘅武器
  • 我哋乱up廿四

  • 一句讲晒今晚无分党派
  • 音乐无边界跳舞跳到癫晒
  • 前排嘅ladys咪哩埋
  • 尽量行近台前有几埋得几埋
  • 我敢保证今晚包你高兴
  • 玩到乐极忘形
  • 理得你陀地定竹升

  • 讲玩我哋系精英
  • 喂唔系讲玩我哋饮酒杯杯清
  • All my ladies where u at
  • 有身材驶乜咁镜钖
  • All my fellars where u at
  • 着乜背心啫又唔系健硕
  • All my homes where u at
  • 边个呕到地下一大捭
  • Party peoples where u at
  • High到爆炸just like that

  • 唔好剩系企响到咁dry
  • 唔好剩系企响到咁kei
  • 只手要跟住节奏摆
  • 个囗要跟住尽情嗌
  • 我想听到全场一齐嗌

  • DRUNK:I've been moshin since dawn,
  • Since the dawn of man,
  • Let the world go loco,
  • So we understand,
  • We're gonna fly by high,
  • gonna rule the land,
  • Its the sc-fi eye,
  • gonna fool the man

  • We got the home brew kickin
  • got the fine girls sippin
  • got the live wire tickin
  • got the beat that's stickin
  • got the ryhme thats bitchin
  • got the style so sickin
  • got the whole crew flippin
  • got the life worth liviin

  • Shout, shout, shout, shout at the devil..
  • And pray to the gods! And fields are level..
  • And pray to the gods and shout at the devil!

  • 唔好剩系企响到咁dry
  • 唔好剩系企响到咁kei
  • 只手要跟住节奏摆
  • 个囗要跟住尽情嗌
  • 我想听到全场一齐嗌

  • GS & JBS:Put your hands in the atmosphere[!--empirenews.page--]
  • We wanna see u party on here
  • All my ladies where u at
  • All my fellas where u at

  • Put your hands in the atmosphere
  • We wanna see u party in here
  • All my peoples, let me hear you Scream!

  • 唔好比佢停带番副超扮型
  • 老老实实呢招万试万宁
  • 唔好轿埋双手扮冷静
  • 唔跳正乸型唔该自动隐形
  • 叫到声都失埋跳到衫都湿埋
  • 引致熟女暗里也想变坏
  • 为咗省靓招牌嗌到喇叭烧埋
  • 跳舞跳通宵将啲表通通收埋

  • I wanna get high so high
  • I wanna get drunk 好大
  • 喂点解话咁快 就冧哂
  • 仲有酒喺我手 唔好嘥
  • 饮醉酒唔怕丑 四围埃
  • 保持系最佳状态

  • 唔好剩系企响到咁dry
  • 唔好剩系企响到咁kei
  • 只手要跟住节奏摆
  • 个囗要跟住尽情嗌
  • 我想听到全场一齐嗌